// // TTDPatch Configuration File, automatically created by TTDPatch -W filename. // // Format for the switches is: // switchname = switchvalue // // The "=" can be omitted, as can the spaces. Case is ignored. // // For yes/no [y/n] switches, the value can be one of: // yes, y, on, 1, no, n, off, 0 // If the value is omitted, a yes/no switch defaults to yes. // // For the switches with a value option [v], the range is given in the // description, as is the default if the value is omitted. The switch can // be turned off by giving it one of the 'off' values. // // Comments are all lines starting with any non-alphabetical character. // // `ships' (-b) increases the maximum number of ships. Range 1..240. Default 240. ships 240 // `curves' (-c) makes trains faster in wide curves. Bitcoded two-digit value. Default 13. curves 13 // `spread' (-e) makes it possible to have stations more spread out. Range 1..255. Default 20. spread 20 // `trainrefit' (-f) makes it possible to refit train engines. trainrefit on // `generalfixes' (-g) fixes various little things, see the docs for more info on what exactly it does. generalfixes on // `servint' (-i) allow to change the initial service interval for new engines. Range 1..32000. Default 16000. servint 16000 // `keepsmallairport' (-k) keeps small airports around forever. keepsmallairport on // `largestations' (-l) allows to add more platforms or make a station longer, up to 4x7 or 7x5. largestations on // `mountains' (-m) makes trains faster on mountains. Bitcoded two-digit value. Default 13. mountains 13 // `nonstop' (-n) makes the "Non-stop" switch behave differently. nonstop on // `reducedsave' (-o) reduces the number of vehicles in the running game when saving. Range 1..(morevehicles-1). reducedsave off // `planes' (-p) increases the maximum number of planes. Range 1..240. Default 240. planes 240 // `loadtime' (-q) enables a different calculation for load/unload times. loadtime on // `roadvehs' (-r) increases the maximum number of road vehicles. Range 1..240. Default 240. roadvehs 240 // `signcheats' (-s) enables the sign cheats. signcheats on // `trains' (-t) increases the maximum number of trains. Range 1..240. Default 240. trains 240 // `verbose' (-v) shows a summary of the switches before starting TTD. verbose off // `presignals' (-w) allows the use of 'pre-signals' to improve station handling. presignals on // `morevehicles' (-x) increases the total number of vehicles to value*850. Range 1..40. Default 1. morevehicles 3 // `mammothtrains' (-z) allows mammoth trains with up to 126 cars. mammothtrains on // `aiboost' (-A) increases the AI recursion by this amount. aiboost 0 // `longbridges' (-B) allows bridges of up to 127 squares length. longbridges on // `extradynamite' (-D) allows more things to be removed with dynamite. extradynamite on // `fullloadany' (-F) makes a train leave a station if any type of cargo is full. fullloadany on // With `selectgoods' (-G) goods arrive only after the service has been inaugurated. selectgoods on // `noinflation' (-I) turns off all inflation, both for cost and revenue. noinflation off // `moreairports' (-J) allows building more airports than the normal two per city. moreairports on // `debtmax' (-L) enables borrowing/repaying the maximum amount by pressing Ctrl. debtmax on // `multihead' (-M) allows an arbitrary number of engines on a train. Buy extra engines with 'Ctrl'. multihead on // `officefood' (-O) makes office towers accept food (tropic/arctic scenarios). officefood on // `enginespersist' (-P) keeps engines around for as long as they are in use. enginespersist on // `rvqueueing' (-R) makes road vehicles queue up in front of a station, not turn around. rvqueueing on // `lowmemory' (-Z) allows TTDPatch to run with 2.5MB of memory, but reduces the max. value for the extended vehicle array to 2. lowmemory off // `win2k' (-2) makes the Windows version of TTD compatible with Windows 2000/XP. win2k off // `autorenew' (-Xa) renews engines when serviced this number of months after they get very old. Range -128..127. Default -6. autorenew -12 // `bribe' (-Xb) adds a `bribe' option to the local authority menu. bribe on // `planecrashcontrol' (-Xc) allows you to control when planes are allowed to crash. Bitcoded value, default 1. planecrashcontrol 1 // `diskmenu' (-Xm) adds a load option to the disk menu, and a load game (or save game with Ctrl) to the scenario editor. diskmenu on // `cheatscost' (-Xo) makes sign cheats cost money when used. cheatscost off // `forcerebuildovl' (-Xr) makes TTDPatch rebuild TTDLOAD.OVL or TTDLOADW.OVL every time it is started. forcerebuildovl off // `showspeed' (-Xs) shows the current speed for all vehicles in the status bar of their window. showspeed on // `extpresignals' (-Xw) allows to cycle between normal, pre-signals, exits and combined signals with 'Ctrl'. extpresignals on // `cdpath' (no command line switch) sets the CD path. cdpath